The UK has the world’s most stringent onshore drilling control regulations – ones to which we’re more than happy to comply. It simply isn’t in our interests to be anything other than focused on absolute compliance and exemplary health and safety performance. Please read on and refer to our dedicated Community Website

We’re regulated by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, the Environment Agency, and the Health and Safety Executive as well as the conditions set out in our planning consent.

There are numerous standards and guidelines that we have to conform to, irrespective of the type of well drilled, and we’re subject to regular inspections (both planned and unannounced) to ensure that we are fully compliant.

On 4 November 2019 the government announced that it will introduce a temporary moratorium on hydraulic fracturing for shale gas.

With the lifting of the fracking moratorium in September 2022 we will maintain and explore our significant portfolio of unconventional resources assets 

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